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Hotkeys for IDE JetBrains (PyCharm, PHPStorm, WebStorm)


Comment and uncomment code
Use shortcuts to comment and uncomment lines and blocks of code:
•    Ctrl   Slash  : for single line comments (  //...  )
•    Ctrl   Shift   Slash  : for block comments (  /*...*/  )


Navigate to declaration
To navigate to the declaration of a class, method, or variable from its usage, place the caret at the symbol and press   Ctrl + B   (Navigate | Declaration or Usages). You can also click a usage with the   Ctrl   key pressed to jump to the declaration. 

Find and replace
Press   Ctrl + F   to display the search bar. Press   Ctrl + R   to add another field where you can type the replace string.
In the Find in Files dialog, you can switch to replace by pressing   Ctrl + Shift + R  . Similarly, press   Ctrl + Shift + F   to hide the Replace with field and switch to regular search.


Show usages
You can view the list of all usages of a class, method or variable across the whole project, and quickly navigate to the selected item. Place the caret at a symbol and press   Ctrl + Alt + F7   (Edit | Find Usages | Show Usages).
To jump to a usage, select it from the list and press   Enter


Expand code selection
Press   Ctrl + W   to expand code selection. Each time you press   Ctrl + W  , the selection expands to other areas of code.
For example, the selection expands from a method name to the expression calling this method, then to the whole statement, then to the containing block, and so on.


Search Everywhere
Press   Shift   twice to search for files, actions, symbols, UI elements, Git branches and comments across your project. Pressing double   Shift   again, will extend the search to non-project items.
Use tabs or direct shortcuts   Ctrl + N   for classes,   Ctrl + Shift + N   for files,   Ctrl + Alt   Shift + N   for symbols, and   Ctrl + Shift + A   for actions to narrow your search results.


Move statements up and down
The Code | Move Statement Up/Down actions are useful for reorganizing code lines, for example for bringing a variable declaration closer to the variable usage.
Select a code fragment and press   Ctrl + Shift   ↑   or   Ctrl + Shift   ↓  .
The following picture shows the initial location of a code fragment:


Override methods
You can easily override methods of the base class by pressing   Ctrl + O   (Code | Override Methods).
To implement methods of the interfaces (or of the abstract base class) that the current class implements, press   Ctrl + I   (Code | Implement Methods).


Find usages
Press   Alt + F7   to quickly locate all occurrences of code referencing the symbol at the caret, no matter if the symbol is a part of a class, method, field, parameter, or another statement.


Postfix code completion
Postfix code completion is applied from right to left to avoid backward caret jumps when coding. Type a dot   .   after the code fragment that you want to change and select the desired option.
To see the suggestion list with postfix templates, you can also press   Ctrl + J 


Surround code fragments
You can quickly wrap a code block in useful constructs. Select it in the editor and press   Ctrl + Alt + T   (Code | Surround With).
The list of available options or wrappers is context-sensitive and depends on the language. For example, you can surround   html   blocks with tags, and so on. 


Show file structure
You can quickly navigate within the current file with   Ctrl + F12   (Navigate | File Structure).
File structure shows the list of members of the current class. To navigate to an element, select it and press   Enter   or   F4  .
To easily locate an item in the list, start typing its name.


Extract Variable refactoring
The Extract Variable refactoring wraps a selected expression into a variable. It adds a new variable declaration and uses the expression as an initializer. Select an expression and press   Ctrl + Alt + V   (Refactor | Extract/Introduce | Variable).

Live templates
Use live templates to insert frequent code constructs. 
When you select a live template from the suggestion list, the template expands to the variant that is defined on the Editor | Live Templates page of the Settings/Preferences dialog (  Ctrl + Alt + S  ).
Use   Tab   to move between the template fields.


Switch scheme
You can apply a different code style, coloring scheme, or keymap with a single keystroke right from the editor. Press   Ctrl   Back Quote   (View | Quick Switch Scheme) to specify the scheme you want to switch to.


Select In
To quickly select the currently edited element (a class, file, method, or field) in another view, press   Alt + F1   or call Navigate | Select In


To quickly open any class in the editor, press   Ctrl + N   (Navigate | Class) and start typing the name of the class. Then, click the class from the suggestion list.
Similarly, you can open any file in your project by using   Ctrl + Shift + N   (Navigate | File).


Show parameter info
If the caret is positioned between the parentheses of a method call, press   Ctrl + P   to bring up a list of valid parameters.


If you want to log program state during debugging, use non-suspending breakpoints. Select the expression that you want to log, hold   Shift  , and click the gutter at the line where the expression should be logged.


Paste from the clipboard history
Press   Ctrl + Shift + V   to select the text fragment that you have previously copied to the clipboard.


Navigate to a file
To quickly open a file, press   Ctrl + Shift + N   (Navigate | File) and start typing its name. 


View recent files
Press   Ctrl + E   (View | Recent Files) to view the list of recently opened files.
You can also bring up the results of the recently performed usage searches. To do that, use the same   Ctrl + E   shortcut within the Find tool window, and select the desired search result from the Recent Find Usages popup.


Find Action
To quickly find a menu command, setting, or an action, press   Ctrl + Shift + A   (Help | Find Action). 


Quick Definition
Press   Ctrl + Shift + I   (View | Quick Definition) to preview the definition or content of the symbol at the caret, without opening it in a separate editor tab.


Duplicate a code block or a line
Press   Ctrl + D   in the editor to duplicate the selected code block, or the current line when no block is selected.


Quick code documentation
To quickly see the documentation for a class or method at the caret, press   Ctrl + Q 


Version Control
PyCharm provides out-of-the-box integration with the following version control systems: Git, Mercurial, Subversion, and Perforce.
Version your application to collaborate on it, as well as to eliminate the risks of storing all of your codebase locally. Press   Alt + 9   to view the history of the changes in the project or press   Ctrl + K   to send your local changes to the repository.


Complete XML tag names
Press   Ctrl + Space   twice to complete XML tag names from namespaces not declared in the current file. If the namespace is not declared yet, the declaration is generated automatically.


View inheritance hierarchy
To see the inheritance hierarchy for the selected class, press   Ctrl + H   (Navigate | Type Hierarchy). You can also invoke the hierarchy view directly from the editor to see the hierarchy for the currently edited class.


Navigate to recent locations
Press   Ctrl + Shift + E   to get a list of recently viewed or changed code fragments.


Join lines
To join two lines into one and remove unnecessary spaces, press   Ctrl + Shift + J 


Code completion
in the suggestions list while using item by pressing   Ctrl   Period  .
PyCharm will insert the selected item followed by a dot or   ->    depending on the current context.


Copy a line
If nothing is selected in the editor, press   Ctrl + C   to copy the whole line at the caret to the clipboard.


Recent search history
When searching for a text string in a file, use recent search history. Press   Ctrl + F   to open the search bar and then press   Alt + ↓   to show the list of recent entries.


View code reference information
You can use   Ctrl + Q   (View | Quick Documentation),   Ctrl + P   (View | Parameter Info),   Ctrl + B   (Navigate | Declaration), and similar shortcuts not only in the editor but also in the suggestions list while using code completion.


Quick Definition
You can invoke the Quick Definition Viewer (  Ctrl + Shift + I  ) for items in code completion lists and the class, file, or symbol navigation commands.


Camel case in Search Everywhere
Use camel case in the Search Everywhere popup (double   Shift  ) to filter the list of results when searching for a class, file, or symbol.


Wildcards in Search Everywhere
Use text patterns in Search Everywhere (double   Shift  ) when searching for a class, file, or symbol. Use   *   and   space  :
•    *   stands for any number of arbitrary characters.
•    space   marks the end of a pattern. The preceding string is considered not just a prefix but a whole pattern.


Highlight usages within a file
Press   Ctrl + Shift + F7   (Edit | Find Usages | Highlight Usages in File) to quickly highlight usages of a certain variable in the current file.
Press   F3   and   Shift + F3   to navigate through the highlighted usages. Press   Escape   to remove highlighting.


Extracting a method
The Extract Method refactoring creates a method out of a code fragment. Select a block of code and press   Ctrl + Alt + M   (Refactor | Extract | Method).


Navigate to a symbol
To quickly open any class, field, or function in the editor, press   Ctrl + Alt + Shift+N   (Navigate | Symbol) and start typing its name.

Scratch files
Scratch files are temporary files that let you experiment and prototype in the editor, without creating any project files.
To create a scratch file, press   Ctrl   Alt + Shift   Insert  , and then select the language to use.


Code completion
You can accept the current selection in the code completion suggestions list with the period key (.), comma (,), semicolon (;), space, and some other characters.
The selected name is automatically entered in the editor followed by the entered character.
To use this feature, make sure that the Insert selected suggestion by pressing space, dot, or other context-dependent keys checkbox is selected on the Editor | General | Code Completion page of the Settings/Preferences dialog   Ctrl + Alt + S  .


Close editor tabs
To close all editor tabs except the current one, keep   Alt   (Windows and Linux) or   Alt(Option)   (macOS) pressed and click   on the current editor tab.


Verify regular expressions
To verify that your regular expression is correct, place the caret within the expression you want to check, press   Alt+Enter  , and select Check RegExp.
In the popup, type a sample string that should match your regular expression. The   icon shows that the match occurred.


Horizontal scroll
To scroll a file horizontally, turn the mouse wheel while keeping   Shift   pressed.


Compare files and folders
To compare any two files or folders, select them in the Project tool window and press   Ctrl + D


Refactor This
If you position the caret at a symbol and press   Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T  , the list of refactorings that are applicable to the current context will open.


Close all editor tabs
To close all editor tabs, right-click a tab and select Close All Tabs.
To close all tabs except the active one, press   Alt   (Windows and Linux) or   Alt(Option)   (macOS) and click the Close button on the active tab.


Use the switcher for navigation
To switch between opened files and tool windows, use the Switcher   Ctrl + Tab  . For navigation, press and hold   Ctrl   and use the   Up   and   Down   arrow keys or   Tab   and   Shift + Tab  , and   Alt  .
Press   Delete   or   BackSpace   to close an editor tab or hide a tool window.


Working with Markdown cells
To edit a Markdown cell, double-click it and start typing.
To preview the output, press   Shift + Enter  .


Use multiple carets
In PyCharm, you can have multiple carets. Press and hold   Shift + Alt + Ctrl   (Windows and Linux) or   Shift + Alt(Option)   Cmd   (macOS), and then click at different positions to set additional carets in the editor.
You can then press   Shift   with the left or right arrow keys to select multiple text fragments.
Press   Escape   to remove all the carets except for the recently added one.


Search for code inspections
To quickly find and run an inspection, press   Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I   and start typing the name of the inspection or its group. Choose the inspection from the suggestion list and specify the scope. 


Select completion suggestions
When the Show suggestions as you type option is enabled for code completion, you can use the Lookup Up and Lookup Down actions to close the suggestion list and move the caret up or down in the editor.
On Windows, use the   Ctrl + Down   and   Ctrl + Up   shortcuts.
On macOS, the shortcuts are not configured by default, so you can assign any key combination that is convenient for you in Preferences | Keymap.


Code completion in the search bar
Press   Ctrl + Space   in the search bar when you search for text in the current file   Ctrl + F  , so that you don't need to type the entire string.


View recent changes
Use   Alt + Shift + C   to quickly review recent changes in the project.


Change focus in tool windows
  Escape   in any tool window moves the focus to the editor.
  Shift + Escape   moves the focus to the editor and hides the current or the last active tool window.
  F12   moves the focus from the editor to the last focused tool window.


If you have already spent some time working in the interactive consoles, you don't need to re-type the previously entered commands to repeat them. Instead, press Ctrl Up / Ctrl Down  (on Window/Linux) and Up / Down  arrow buttons (on macOS) to scroll through the history of commands.


Code completion
Code completion suggests the choices that are reachable from the current caret position as you type. Press   Ctrl + Space   twice to extend the suggestions list.


Change built-in web server port
To change the built-in web server port, in the Settings/Preferences dialog (  Ctrl + Alt + S  ), go to Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger) and set the new value in the Built-in server port field.


Hide all tool window bars
If you need more screen workspace, you can hide the tool windows bars by clicking   in the lower left corner.
Also, you can show the tool window buttons only for a moment. For this, press the   Alt    key (on Windows/*nix) or   Command   (on macOS) twice and keep it down. While the key is pressed, the tool window buttons are visible.


Open list of run configurations
Press   Alt + Shift + F10   to access the list of Run/Debug configurations on the main toolbar without using the mouse.


Search in nested directories
You can jump to a file located in a deeply nested directory by pressing   Ctrl + Shift + N   and typing several characters of the enclosing directories and filename. Use either a slash or a backslash as a delimiter.


Add copyright notices
In PyCharm, you can configure different copyright notices for different sets of files. For convenience, you can use variables. For example, use   $today.year   to keep the year up to date.
 In the Settings/Preferences dialog (  Ctrl + Alt + S  ), select Editor | Copyright | Copyright Profiles, create a new profile, and add the text for your copyright notice using variables.


Edit multiple lines at the same time
To select multiple fragments in the column mode   Alt + Shift   Insert  , press and hold   Ctrl + Alt + Shift   (Windows and Linux) and   Ctrl   Alt(Option)   Shift   (macOS),


Options for context actions
When you press   Alt + Enter   to invoke a quick-fix or an intention action, click the right arrow key to reveal the list of additional options. Depending on the context, you can choose to disable the inspection, fix all problems, change the inspection profile, and so on.


Match case in code completion
When using basic code completion   Ctrl + Space  , you don't need to type the upper-case letters in CamelHump names. It is enough to type the initial letters of the camel names in lower case, and they will be smartly recognized.


Use Emmet
Use Emmet to speed up the HTML, XML, or CSS development.
 In the Settings/Preferences dialog (  Ctrl + Alt + S  ), go to Editor | Emmet and select the Enable Emmet checkbox on the Emmet | HTML, Emmet | CSS, or Emmet | JSX page.


Close editor tabs
You can close tabs in the editor and tool windows without using the context menu commands. Click the tab to be closed with the middle mouse button or use   Shift + Click + it.


Use method separators
Enable separator lines between methods in the editor to distinguish each method's body at a glance. Editor | General | Appearance page of the Settings/Preferences dialog   Ctrl + Alt + S  , select the Show method separators checkbox.


Code completion
You can use code completion   Ctrl + Space   for completing words in text files and in comments. The completion window includes words that are already present in the current file.


Copy as rich text
You can copy text from the editor as rich text to paste it into any other editor that recognizes RTF.
Make sure the Copy as rich text checkbox is selected on the Editor | General page of the Settings/Preferences dialog (  Ctrl + Alt + S  ).


Code completion
When you use basic code completion   Ctrl + Space  , type any characters that exist anywhere in an identifier.


You can customize the structure of import statements in your code. Imports can be placed separately, grouped by source, or left unstructured.
To make your choice, go to Settings/Preferences (  Ctrl + Alt + S  , select Editor | Code style | Python, and select the corresponding checkbox under Structure of "from" imports.


View quick documentation on hover
You don't need to invoke quick documentation explicitly   Ctrl + Q  . If you hover your mouse pointer over the desired symbol, the quick documentation popup window will show automatically.
To enable this feature, select the Show quick documentation on hover checkbox on the Editor | Code Editing page of the Settings/Preferences dialog (  Ctrl + Alt + S  ).


Search for settings and plugins
Enter   /   in the search field of the Search Everywhere (  Shift   twice) window to search for a group of settings, their options, and plugins.


The navigation bar at the top is a quick alternative to the Project tool window where you can go through the structure of your project, open specific files, and jump to specific code elements in the current file.
Press   Alt + Home   to show the navigation bar and use arrow keys to switch between files and folders.


Working in the interactive consoles, you don't need to memorise the command line syntax or available functions. Instead, you can use the familiar code completion Ctrl + Space . Moreover, from within the lookup list, you can press Ctrl + Q  to view the item's documentation.


Access breakpoints via context actions
Get access to the most common breakpoint actions and filters through context actions (  Alt + Enter  ).


Add custom dictionaries to check spelling
When some words are missing in the pre-defined dictionaries, you can create your own. A custom dictionary is a   .dic   text file containing each word on a new line.
To add new dictionaries, open settings by pressing   Ctrl + Alt + S   and navigate to Editor | Natural Languages | Spelling.


Evaluate expressions while debugging
To evaluate any expression while debugging your program, select the expression in the editor and press   Alt + F8  .


Select several code elements
To select several code elements, press and hold   Alt (Option)  , and double-click each word you want to select.


Commit changes partially
You can split changes made to the same file between different commits. In the Commit tool window   Alt + 0  , click Diff. Select the checkbox next to each chunk of modified or new code that you want to commit and click Commit. Unselected changes will stay in the current changelist.


Check spelling and grammar
Spelling and grammar checks are enabled by default. These checks are provided by the Grazie plugin, which is bundled with the IDE. To configure proofreading settings, open settings by pressing   Ctrl + Alt + S   and navigate to   Editor | Natural Languages | Grammar  .
All texts, including comments, textual strings and literals, are inspected against the pre-defined or custom dictionaries. Typos are highlighted so that you can choose the correct word, accept the current spelling, or disable the inspection.
To fix a spelling or grammar error, press   Alt + Enter   to see the list of available actions.


Column selection mode
To select a rectangular piece of code, drag your mouse while pressing   Shift + Alt   (on Windows and Linux) /   Shift + Alt (Option)   (on macOS) .


Open terminal with a shortcut
PyCharm allows you to launch the embedded local terminal by using the keyboard shortcut. Press   Alt + F12   and see the terminal running.


Select several code fragments
To select multiple text fragments, press and hold   Shift + Alt + Ctrl   (Windows and Linux) and   Shift + Alt (Option)   Cmd   (macOS) and drag your mouse across the text:


Navigate to the last change
To return to the last place where you made changes in code, press   Ctrl + Shift   Backspace   or select Navigate | Last Edit Location from the main menu.
If you press   Ctrl + Shift   Backspace   several times, you see later deeper into your changes history.


Compare files and folders
When you are comparing files or folders, you can apply the differences between panes in the Differences viewer using the chevron buttons:    
To append the contents of the current pane to the other pane, keep   Ctrl   pressed. The buttons will change to    .
To revert changes, keep   Shift   pressed. The chevrons turn into.


Preview references images
Preview a referenced image in a popup instead a separate editor tab: place the caret at the image name and press   Ctrl + Shift + I 


View live template details
When choosing a live template from a suggestion list, press   Ctrl + Q   to view quick documentation - to be sure you make the right choice.


Delete tasks
When working with a lengthy list of tasks, you don't have to delete the tasks one by one. Select several tasks by using   Shift   or   Control/Command  , click the right arrow, and then click Remove.


Find Action
If you do not remember a shortcut that calls an action, press   Ctrl + Shift + A   and start typing the action name. To apply the action, select it from the suggestion list. A shortcut is displayed near the action name.


Search in settings
You can quickly find a page in the Settings/Preferences dialog   Ctrl + Alt + S   without browsing through the numerous options. Type some characters contained in the option description, and the list of settings will reduce to the matching ones.
Select the desired entry and see the specific setting that contains the entered characters highlighted.


Execute cells in Jupyter notebook
Press   Shift + Enter   to execute the current cell in a Jupyter notebook and select the next one.


Rename CSS selectors in HTML
You can rename CSS selectors directly in HTML. Position the caret at the selector to be renamed and press   Shift + F6 


The easiest way to run a utility of the   manage.py   task is to choose Run manage.py Task in the Tools menu, or press   Ctrl + Alt + R 
As you type the name of the utility you want to run, the lookup list shrinks to show the matching entries only.


Use PyCharm terminal
You don't need to leave PyCharm to work with your favorite shell. Instead, you can use the embedded local terminal. To open it, press   Alt + F12 


Navigate between methods
Press   Alt + ↑   and   Alt + ↓   to quickly move between methods in the editor.


Choose shell for the terminal
Use your favorite shell from the built-in Terminal.
In the Settings/Preferences dialog   Ctrl + Alt + S  , go to Tools | Terminal and specify the path to your shell executable.


To navigate to any part of the file path,   Ctrl   Click   (on Windows and Linux)/   ⌘   Click   (on macOS) its tab in the editor. Select the desired element, and it will be opened in the file browser.


To avoid accidentally removing breakpoints, you can choose to remove them by dragging them from the gutter. Press   Ctrl + Alt + S  , go to Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger and select Drag to the editor or click with middle mouse button.
Click a breakpoint to enable or disable it.


Clone the caret upwards or downwards
To clone the caret upwards or downwards, press   Ctrl + Shift + A  →  Clone Caret Above   or   Ctrl + Shift + A  →  Clone Caret Below  .

Change code selection
In the editor, press   Ctrl + W  /  Ctrl + Shift + W   to extend or shrink your current code selection.


Edit tags simultaneously
You can edit both the opening and closing tags in XML/HTML files simultaneously.
Make sure to select the Simultaneous <tag></tag> editing checkbox in the Editor | General | Smart keys | HTML/CSS page of the Settings/Preferences dialog (  Ctrl + Alt + S  ).


Access VCS-related options
Press   Alt   Back Quote   to access all VCS-related commands available in the current context.


Run a query
To run a query, right-click a query and select Execute or use a shortcut (Cmd + Enter for macOS, Ctrl+Enter for Windows and Linux).


Code completion
When using code completion, you can accept the currently highlighted selection in the popup list by pressing   Tab  .
Unlike accepting with   Enter  , the selected name will overwrite the rest of the name to the right of the caret. This can be especially useful for replacing one method or variable name with another. 



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